Thursday, November 20, 2008

Four minutes to save the world...

Actually it's more like 7 and that's how many minutes I have till I am done with my work day and have to have this blog written. I am going to say though, since someone didn't recreate a requested blog, I just don't think mine should have to be up to par. But I am not one to do something by halves so I will proceed with my blog as planned. 
Both of my fellow interns left early today. One of them went to the temple at 3 and the other left about 15 minutes ago just coz. Now, call me crazy but I can't leave early despite the fact that all I am doing is posting on my personal blog. I just can't bring myself to do it without permission. I am going to institute tonight. I have been job hunting today. There's such a variety of things to do out here - it's really astounding. I have also been trying to polish my resume which gets really hard after you've looked at it soooooooooo many times. I think I will have someone else look at it and they can tear it apart for me in a way I just can't do for myself. That might be helpful. I am going to an info session with a company called Chemonics next week. That should be interesting. I am thinking about taking a boxing class. Do they even offer that as a class? I need to master the art of agood left hook. It's five now and the work day is done but I am going to continue to type. One of the roomies and I went to look for my Thanksgiving cards yesterday but Target's selection was LAME. I am now going downstairs to see if I will fare better at CVS. Here's hoping. Ready? Set? GO!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nor any manner of -ites

So last night I went to an Interfaith concert at the National Cathedral. My roommate sings in the Mormon Choir of Washington and they were singing so we heard about it through her. The concert involved Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Protestants, Hindus, Jainists, Mormons and Jews.  I was, appropriately enough, reading in 4th Nephi that morning (I read my scriptures on the bus on the way to work. It's a guaranteed 30 minutes of downtime) and it later struck me that not having any manner of -ites is something we can work toward with things like this interfaith concert. Sure, in this case everyone was an -ism, but I think that its really important to have dialogue with people of other -isms so we can see that we are all children of the same Father in Heaven. I think that knowledge will bring us closer to not having any manner of -ites faster than anything else save having the same experience as the people in 3rd/4th Nephi.  The concert was really a nice experience and it was interesting to see all the different ways that people worship. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Brothers on a Hotel Bed

I was going to write something deep and meaningful but I am now distracted by the chat function of facebook. That and planning the demise of people I have never met. Today was an interesting day. I had to send some things to Amman, Jordan for my boss. Just so you know, sending things to Jordan is an expensive endeavour. But if you do send things to Jordan (in a hurry too) make sure you go to the FedEx Kinkos in Clarendon because then you will have a nice gentleman from Guinea to wait on you. Of course he might get a little too friendly and tell you that you are beautiful and that he wants  you to take him to the UK with you forever. But then of course, he might not. It's a bit of a lottery really. You win some, you lose some; I am not going to attempt to tell you which option is winning and which is losing. Hilarity in the form of men in the service sector follows me wherever I go. My bus driver asked for my number ab0ut a month ago (he never called) becuase it was his last day on the route. The thing that both these things have had in common is that I have had absolutley no makeup on. Interesting. Makeup insulates me from slightly creepy guys who choose inappropriate moments to try and chat me up. New rule: wear make at all times. Even to bed. Be safe ALL the time. 
Today lunch, courtesy of Omar, came from a store downstairs called "Organics To Go." Here is my review:
The menus and ordering process are unclear in this small To Go spot. The soups are worthy of the soup Nazi himself but my Yucatan Taco salad was smelly and disappointing though it did have a kick. The cookies are MASSIVE and quite delicious and the selection of chips is pleasing. Your order will come in a "unique lunch BAG (that) is made with additives which completely biodegrade the bag into harmless hydrocarbons" in other words, if you aren't happy with your meal you can at least know that you aren't harming the envirnoment too much while eating. Overall not a hugely satisfying experience - I will return to Chipotle next time. 

Monday, November 17, 2008


I promised a new post every work day, so here is the Monday installment. 
This weekend was my ward's Thanksgiving feast, accompanied by a "Talent No Talent" show.  The roomies and I teamed up with some other girls in the ward and did a Bollywood/Bhangra number. I haven't had such fun in a while. I also haven't had such stage fright in a long time! It was great, I love that combo of fear and exhiliration - I think it must be how some people feel on rollercoasters. I unfortunately, only feel the fear on rollercoasters; this may be why I don't enjoy them much. Hmmm. Probably. Anyway, much fun was had by all and I even have pictures to include here. That's pretty impressive I think.
So, I've been reading a book, courtesy of the Team Leader called "Smart Women Finish Rich." I think that every woman I know needs to read it. It's great information and very motivational. I haven't always made the smartest money choices but starting right now I am going to try and get a hold of the whole thing. That's my goal for this next year - get into a good financial position! Ready? Set? GO!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

This is a public request for one Ms. Jenny Hansen authour of "So what if I'm living my life backwards" to post a new blog. In return for what I am requesting I am willing to promise that I will post something EVERY work day next week. That's no small order. Ok, so, ready, set, GO!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I started to colelct newspapers at the beginning of the week to comemorate the election. My co-worker Simon asked me what I was going to do if Obama lost. "Throw them all away" I replied. Luckily I have had to take no such drastic action. I did however, have quite the challenge on my hands to get hold of yesterday's New York Times. Luckily the students at Weber State hadn't quite caught on to the historic nature of things and when I called Brittney at 10:30am EST (8:30 MST) there were still a bunch left in the SS building. So, pretty much this post is just a shout-out to our adopted Sheridan woman, Brittney Haycock, who helped me secure a little piece of history for my collection yesterday! A little shout-out also to the lady who works the reception here at Pal-Tech, Debra Coleman, who told me at 9:45am EST to take the reception copy of the Washington Post because otherwise I might not get it. My fellow interns have since accused me of stealing but they are sadly mistaken, it was gifted to me. GIFTED. 

Election Madenss!

I (Laura) was in Virginia for the Election. I found a local Election Party through the Obama website and went. It was MADNESS! There were so many people. The party was hosted by the Arlington County Democrats and I was so glad that I went. Four different news channels were being played on big screen TVs. (We only listened to the sound from CNN though) When Virginia was called for Obama, the room went wild. I was calling the other Sheridan women contingent to tell them to TURN ON THE TV! Then when it was time  for the polls to close on the west coast, the room chanted the countdown and then lost it as the networks declared a new President-Elect Obama. After the speeches I took an Obama wall sign and wore it on my shirt as we walked home. People were honking their horns, and yelling and waving from cars as they saw us on the street. What a night! What an amazing feeling. I have pictures, but they mostly consist of shots of TV screens declaring the news throughout the night. I'll try and post those later.